Pre-trial dispute resolution

Smart people always agree with each other, Smart people always agree with each other, provided they understand what the argument is about./strong> (The Big Book of Aphorisms, K. Dushenko, 2001)

СDispute – a clash of opinions, positions, and interests in which each side argues for its own understanding of the problems under discussion and seeks to refute the arguments of the other side.

Often, disputes are considered in court, but virtually any situation between parties to a conflict (both individuals and legal entities) can be resolved without the involvement of the court.

This procedure is called pre-trial dispute resolution.

The involvement of alawyer to resolve a pre-trial dispute is not only possible, but necessary, since the participants in the dispute, as a rule, do not have special knowledge that relates to the normative and procedural acts.

An attorney for pre-trial conflict resolution:

  • analyzes the situation;
  • gives a legal assessment of the situation;
  • Develops a strategy for addressing the issue;
  • prepares the necessary documents;
  • prepares claims, suggestions and answers;
  • conducts negotiations and correspondence on behalf of the Client. At some times, pre-trial dispute resolutionis as difficult as litigation. Also, in the course of dispute resolution, the parties may use various psychological and logical tricks and trickery to protect their rights, moral and material interests and points of view. That is why the presence of a good lawyer for pre-trial disputes will not only help to avoid mistakes and undesirable consequences, as well as save time, nerves and money, because the consideration of the case in court can take from several months to several years.

The main thing is to remember that there is no such thing as a dead end.